Transgender Resources

17 of 10 items

52 Ways #41: Celebrate International Pronouns Day: 16 October 2024

“Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.” (Source: International Pronouns Day website) International Pronouns Day (IPD) is celebrated every year on the […]

52 Ways #39: Celebrate and Include Transgender People!

Your congregation may have made the decision to welcome people of all sexual orientations before there was a significant awareness about including gender identity. You may have already talked about and worked on including gay, lesbian and bisexual people, but not transgender people.  Now is a great time to revisit those conversations and expand your […]

In the Margins: A Transgender Man’s Journey with Scripture: An Online CLGS Lavender Lunch with Shannon TL Kearns


Click here to view a video recording of this CLGS event! In this online CLGS Lavender Lunch Father Shannon Kearns explores ideas from his recently-published book In the Margins: A Transgender Man’s Journey with Scripture, which weaves together stories from Shannon’s life into reflections on well-known biblical narratives—such as Jacob wrestling with the divine, Rahab and the […]

Liberating Gender for Jews and Allies: The Wisdom of Transkeit

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CLGS is proud to announce the publication of Liberating Gender for Jews and Allies: The Wisdom of Transkeit, co-edited by Rabbi Jane Rachel Litman, Coordinator of the CLGS Jewish Roundtable, and Rev. Jakob Hero-Shaw, Coordinator of the CLGS Transgender Roundtable. This extraordinary collection of essays by trans Jews and allies explores cutting-edge ideas about gender […]

Queering and TRANScending: Trans and Nonbinary Seminarian Leaders for Social Justice

To view a video recording of this CLGS Event, click here! In this online CLGS Lavender Lunch members of our Trans Seminarian Leadership Cohort explore the complicated dynamics of ministry and religious leadership in extraordinary times.  Presenters invite attendees to explore their own leadership experiences (both religious and secular) to help “queer” the concept of […]