Conferences & Workshops

17 of 33 items

Queer and Catholic: Making Sense of Recent (and Confusing) Catholic Statements on LGBTQ Issues

Click above video link to view a recording of this webinar! LGBTQ-RAN, DignityUSA, and the CLGS Catholic Roundtable co-sponsored this webinar which features an exploration of recent (and confusing!) statements by Roman Catholic leaders on homosexuality, Transgender persons, and same-sex relationships.  While, on the one hand, Pope Francis has made some positive statements regarding queer […]

Ever Queering the Story: An Exploration of Trans Religious Leadership | A CLGS Transgender Roundtable Event

Click here for a video recording of this CLGS event! In this interactive workshop members of the Trans Seminarian Leadership Cohort, a group of trans and nonbinary seminary students, explore religious leadership in our current social and political climate. Presenters also invited attendees to explore their own beliefs to help “queer” the concept of theological education […]

Trans Day of Visibility Toolkit for Congregations with Rev. Jakob Hero-Shaw


Click here for a video recording of this CLGS Transgender Roundtable Event! Trans Day of Visibility (TDoV) is celebrated on this year on 31 March 2024, and in interactive this workshop we explored the meaning and importance of TDoV and explore how to bring a full celebration of TDoV to your own religious/spiritual community. In this workshop […]