The CLGS Transgender Roundtable testifies to the transfigurational power of spirituality and religion to nurture the full thriving and dignity of people of all genders. Our primary programs are the Trans Religious Leadership Cohort and the Multi-Faith Transgender Summit.
The CLGS Transgender Roundtable frames its work with two core values:
1. Transgender identity is a spiritual journey of revealing our true selves, which may involve medical and psychological intervention, and is not a defect or a disorder.
2. Religious education about transgender and cisgender (non-trans) experience can heal what is broken about enforced gender normativity in our religious institutions and, in turn, heal what is broken in our religious communities for queer people of faith.
The CLGS Transgender Roundtable engages its work with five broad aims:
- To create and provide spiritual and religious resources for transgender people that affirm them wholeheartedly;
- To support trans-identified clergy and other faith leaders in all the uniqueness and ordinariness of their vocations and life-paths;
- To encourage religious communities, churches, seminaries, and other faith-based organizations in their affirmation of the full dignity of people of all genders;
- To bear witness to the spiritual issues of transgender people in the wider LGBTQ community;
- To mobilize religious communities and faith-based organizations as advocates for social justice for transgender people in the wider society.