Click here to view a video recording of this CLGS Lavender Lunch!

The 1960’s began the rise of “out and proud” religious communities that welcomed LGBTQ+ people to come as their authentic selves.  Congregational life and leadership has evolved since that time and the question of the relevance of queer congregations is debated today.

In this CLGS Lavender Lunch, three queer-identified religious leaders will discuss this question and the future of queer representation and advocacy in religious communities: Avery Belyeu, Incoming CEO at The Montrose Center in Houston; Rev. Jakob Hero-Shaw, Coordinator of the CLGS Transgender Roundtable and Pastore of MCC Tampa; and Rev. Dr. Roland Stringfellow, Pastor of MCC Detroit,  will share their perspectives based upon their leadership and vision of a future that is queer.

This CLGS Lavender Lunch was recorded on 14 December 2023