Click here for a video recording of this CLGS AAAPI Roundtable/CSR Workshop via Zoom!

Disability is a generative force. It’s magic. It really teaches me to be more thoughtful and aware of myself and my body, my body-mind in community. And as Alice Wong has put it so beautifully- disabled people are oracles.” (Alex Locust, Glamputee from the Society of Disabled Oracles).

In this CLGS CSR (Certificate of Sexuality and Religion) workshop we elevated and uplifted Queer and Disabled forms of spiritual wisdom and formation by exploring the following questions:

  • How do queer disabled communities transform our socio-spiritual relationship to time, space, and embodied existence?
  • How do these communities invite us to deepen our spiritual/faith practices by deepening the connection that we have to our own embodied needs? and
  • How can we resist disabling narratives and systems that steer us away from trusting our embodied intuition?

Maij Mai (they/he/sib/homie/fam), Coordinator of the CLGS Asian American/Pacific Islander Roundtable, is a BlackVietnameseBipolarTransNonbinaryQueer currently existing in – and with – beloved community in Baltimore, Maryland. Maij’s formal education and training consists of a Bachelors of Arts degree in Sociology and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies, as well as a Masters of Divinity degree from Wake Forest University.

A creative visionary, organizer, and liberation companion from the Southern United States, their soul work centers the bodies, voices, and lived experiences of oppressed peoples striving to transform their imaginations and worlds.


This CLGS Asian American & Pacific Islander Roundtable Workshop was recorded on 20 March 2024