52 Ways to Expand Your Welcome to LGBTQ+ People and Our Families: Our 2024 Edition

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The 52 Ways to Expand Your Welcome to LGBTQ+ People and Our Families Series

52 Ways #45: A Genuine Welcome is a Stated Welcome

LGBTQ people understand from years of experience that they are unwelcome in most congregations. Since our culture is saturated with the anti-queer rhetoric of religious leaders who claim to represent the only authentic Jewish and Christian positions on homosexuality, a congregation that seeks to become welcoming needs to state clearly and publicly its welcome in […]

52 Ways #44: A Genuine Welcome is an Educated Welcome

A congregation interested in becoming a community of care should begin with education and compassionate dialogue. The leaders and members of a church or synagogue will need to educate themselves about sexual orientation, gender identity, and the most genuine and effective ways to integrate LGBTQ people into the life of the congregation. Throughout this process […]

52 Ways #43: Create a Genuine Welcome for Your LGBTQ Congregants

Everyone can distinguish a genuine welcome from one that is half-hearted and it is not difficult for LGBTQ people to realize whether they are welcomed or not in a particular congregation. Merely posting a welcome sign or publishing a statement of acceptance does not prove, of course, that a congregation is actually welcoming and inclusive. […]

52 Ways #42: Create a Community of Care for Your LGBTQ Congregants: What is Welcome?

Baptist minister Rev. Jacki Belile recommends a three-fold task for congregations seeking to welcome LGBTQ people: “Take into account the depth of people’s betrayal and pain at the hands of the institutional church in all the dimensions of fellowship, preaching, teaching, and pastoral care”; Offer “significant opportunities for LGBT people to have visibility, voice and […]

52 Ways #41: Celebrate International Pronouns Day: 16 October 2024

“Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.” (Source: International Pronouns Day website) International Pronouns Day (IPD) is celebrated every year on the […]

52 Ways #40: Raise Your Voice and Vote!

Raise Your Voice and Vote! As Candace Bond of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has written, “The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy and the fundamental right upon which all our civil liberties rest.”  For LGBTQ+ people, voting is absolutely crucial in the ongoing struggle to ensure the civil rights of […]

52 Ways #39: Celebrate and Include Transgender People!

Your congregation may have made the decision to welcome people of all sexual orientations before there was a significant awareness about including gender identity. You may have already talked about and worked on including gay, lesbian and bisexual people, but not transgender people.  Now is a great time to revisit those conversations and expand your […]