This resource was created by Argentinian  scholar, Hugo Córdova Quero, Director of Online Education & Adjunct Faculty at Starr King School For The Ministry in Berkeley, California. Dr. Quero holds an MA in Systematic Theology and Critical Theories (Feminist, Queer, and Postcolonial) from the Graduate Theological Union; an M.Div. from ISEDET University in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion, Migration, and Ethnic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union. Currently he is also on the adjunct faculty at Graduate Theological Union, an instructor at Multidisciplinary Research Group on Religion and Social Incidence (GEMRIP)/Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL) in Buenos Aires/Rosario, and a Researcher at the Program on Multiculturalism, Migration, and Inequality in Latin America, Center for Advanced Studies at the National University of Cordoba (CEA-UNC) and Research Center for the Study of Culture and Society (CIECS/CONICET) in Córdoba, Argentina.


“Este folleto es para vos y para tu familia. Es una ayuda para pensar juntas y juntos en cómo vivir una vida mejor y sin discriminación. Léelo con detenimiento y mostráselo a tu mamá o a tu papá. Compartílo con el resto de tu familia, pues está escrito principalmente para ellos. Este folleto busca acompañarte a vos y a tu familia en descubrir nuevas posibilidades. Quiere ser una herramienta para que todas y todos podamos vivir una vida diferente, feliz y plena.”