While it is important to recognize and affirm key dates and events within the LGBTQ community, your welcome is even greater if you do not limit LGBTQ visibility to those times.  LGBTQ people and their families who come to your worship services, teachings or programs will notice the presence of others who are like them. Seeing LGBTQ people freely participating in all aspects of your community life shows the depth of your commitment to full inclusion.

For example, consider the power of being welcomed by a greeter with a rainbow pin, seeing a recognizably queer person reading the sacred text, or hearing a teaching given by someone who says they are the parent or sibling of an LGBTQ person.

So, recognize the big events like Pride, World AIDS Day and Transgender Day of Remembrance, but work to include LGBTQ in your daily and weekly life as well!

View our 52 Ways to Expand Your Welcome to LGBTQ+ People and Our Families Series (4th editionhere!