A recording of this CLGS/CARE Event is available here!
For a recording of the panelists’ specific comments on the artwork of Ed Aulerich-Sugai and Mark Mitchell, click here!
CLGS and CARe (The Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union) are proud to co-sponsor this panel discussion on HIV/AIDS Ministry: Past and Present.
Presented in conjunction with CARe’s Spring exhibition AFTER/LIFE, which features the work of Ed Aulerich-Sugai and Mark Mitchell, our panelists will discuss spirituality, ministry, and community in the midst of a pandemic.
Moderated by Dr. Bernard Schlager (CLGS Executive Director), our panelists include:
- Bishop Yvette A. Flunder (City of Refuge UCC),
- Rabbi Jane Litman (Jewish Roundtable of CLGS and Rabbi, Chico Havurah),
- Rev. Elder Jim Mitulski (Interim Pastor, Island United Church UCC, Foster City and AIDS activist), and
- Dr. Steven Tierney (Professor Emeritus, Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies, and Clinical Director, Seeds of Awareness, Oakland)
Join us for this online exhibition and online discussion!