CLGS is proud to be in solidarity with religious leaders across the country opposing legislation in Texas and other states that would legalize the right to discriminate. In a statement issued today, faith leaders across the country are speaking out against anti-LGBTQ bills. As a seminary-based organization comprised of people of faith, we have the deepest respect for individual beliefs. These, however, should never be the basis for limiting the rights of those who believe differently to access public spaces, services, and businesses. Our faith is strong and not threatened by differences in our society; in fact, we are confident that diversity is part of God’s plan and a blessing to us. These bills, and a threatened executive order from President Trump, seek to allow people to use their personal ideologies as a basis for legal discrimination, which will undermine basic principles of our democracy. Moreover, despite being put forward in the name of religion, they violate a fundamental religious tenet, the call to treat our neighbors as ourselves. We call upon government officials to have the courage to say no to these unnecessary, offensive, and dangerous efforts to enshrine discrimination in our laws.

We are grateful to our colleagues at the Religious Institute for their leadership in coordinating the efforts of national faith leaders.