Saturday November 12, 2016

6:15pm                                 Havdalah – Rabbi Jane Rachel Litman

6:30pm                                 Dinner

8:00pm                                 Original Performance Work  “The Rabbi and His New Skirt”  by Reb Irwin Keller

Sunday, November 13, 2016 (Jewish Themed)

9:00am                                 Breakfast

10-11:15am                         Workshop One

  1. Choosing to be Chosen (LGBT Jews by Choice film) – Martin Rawlings-Fein
  2. Genderqueer Panel – Keshet, Jason Klein
  3. Queering the Bible – Rabbah Rona Matlow

11:15am-Noon                  Break out Groups

12:15pm                               Lunch

1:30pm                                 Plenary, Trans Halachah and Response – Rabbah Emily Aviva Kapor and Rabbi Fern Feldman

3:15pm                                 Break and Nosherei

3:45-5:00                              Workshop Two

  1. Taharah – Noach Dzmura
  2. Speaking Trans – Rabbi Reuben Zellman
  3. Bodies of Faith – Shaan Surat Knan

6:00pm                                 Dinner

8:00                                        Inside “Transparent” – Rabbi Susan Goldberg

Monday, November 14, 2016  (Ally Themed)

9:00am                                 Breakfast

10-11:15am                         Workshop Three

  1. Scenes From a (Multicultural, Interfaith, Trans, Blended family) Marriage – Greyson and Julie Vega
  2. Transitioning to Inclusion: Welcoming Transgender Children & Youth – Kelsey Pacha

11:15am-Noon                  Break out Groups

12:15pm                               Lunch

1:30pm                                 Being an Ally for Trans Jews

3:15pm                                 Break and Nosherei

3:450-5:00                           Workshop Four

  1. Journeys of Faith – Talia Johnson and Duncan McCullough
  2. Need Title (something to do with health) – Dr. Abi Weissman and Tinashe Hyemingway

5-5:30pm                             Closing Ritual – Jakob Hero