Proud Mamas Speak: Unconditional Love, & Rethinking Gender
Three Fierce Moms talk about motherhood, gender diversity, and new children’s books. Join us for a presentation and dialogue about family, values, faith and gender diversity.
Proud Mamas Speak videos:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Laurin Mayeno, mixed race Asian mother of a gay, gender-expansive son and author of One a Kind Like Me/Único Como Yo. “One of A Kind, Like Me / Unico Como Yo” is a sweet story about unconditional love and the beauty of individuality. It’s a unique book that lifts up children who don’t fit gender stereotypes, and reflects the power of a loving and supportive community. Join us for a conversation with the author, Laurin Mayeno and her family.
Special Guests:
Sandra Collins, mixed race Asian mother of a trans daughter and founder of EnGender.
Brook Pessin-Whedbee, public school teacher and mama to three little ones who joyfully bend and break the gender boxes. Author of Who Are You? The Kids Guide to Gender Identity.
Co-hosted by CLGS’ API Roundtable, Latinx Roundtable, and Transgender Roundtable.