CLGS is proud to announce the launch of The CLGS Queer Online Book Club in October 2020!
The first book that we will discuss (in October 2020) is How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones.
As described by New Yorker reviewer Katy Waldman, “How We Fight for Our Lives is a new memoir by Saeed Jones, an award-winning poet and a former BuzzFeed editor, who grew up black, gay, and Southern in the nineties and early two-thousands.
The title previews the book’s tone and also its content: urgent, immediate, matter of fact. Jones writes of his mother and her heart condition, and of physical assault, economic hardship, and the floating threat of violence that men like him face. His title carries an edge of social critique.
To be black, gay, and American, the book suggests, is to fight for one’s life.”
The facilitator for our online discussion of this book is Rev. Jim Mitulski, gay activist, experienced book club member and facilitator, current Interim Pastor at Island United Church of Foster City (UCC), and former staff member of The James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center at San Francisco Public Library and The Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies (CLGS) at Pacific School of Religion.
Join us (ONLINE) for three successive Mondays in October (12 October, 19 October, and 26 October) from 7pm to 8:15pm (Pacific Time) via Zoom to discuss this fascinating book in The CLGS Online Queer Book Club!