Panel Discussion on Polyamory:
Open Session of Sexuality, Ethics, Culture & Faith CSR Fall Course

18 November, Pacific School of Religion, Mudd 102, 6:30pm

This session of the Sexuality, Ethics, Culture & Faith course taught by Dr. Justin Tanis and Katia Moles, GTU PhD student will be open to the public.

Panel participants and the class will engage the following questions and understandings of non-monogamous/poly-amorous relationship models.

  1. When and how did you first become aware that there were alternatives to couples/paired relationships? Was it something you became aware of about your own desires first or did you encounter others in multiple partner/non-monogamous relationships and see that as a potential model?
  2. In thinking about the ethics of polyamorous/non-monogamous relationships, what do you believe it is important for people to know? What do you see as the most important considerations to have ethical and/or just relationships that involve more than 2 people?
  3. How do you balance the emotional and intimate needs of the different people in your partnerships?
  4. What role, if any, does spirituality have in your relationships or your approach to them?
  5.  What specific sharings would you like to convey to a seminary community (people preparing for work in social justice, ministry, and social service settings) about non-monogamy/polyamory?

We hope you’ll be able to join us for this discussion.