ONLINE from the Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center:
“This is a virtual session in an ongoing 4-part series for families supporting with gender diverse children. Our focus will be on what “family” means within the context of the trans* and gender fluid life. We welcome families of all flavors – birth, adoptive, chosen – and family members of all ages, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
This session will focus on the parent perspective led by Katy and Mac Schafer.
Katy and Mac Schafer are the parents of four children, the oldest of whom was gender non conforming as a child and began transitioning as a middle schooler. They were plaintiffs, along with their child, in the ACLU lawsuit against the state of North Carolina to repeal the discriminatory HB2 “Bathroom Bill” that passed into North Carolina law in 2016. They both work in Presbyterian churches in Raleigh, North Carolina — Katy as a Director of Children & Family Ministries and Mac as a pastor.
They have spoken extensively to parent groups, public school educators, church groups and anyone who will listen to their story. They enjoy sharing their experiences as parents while navigating their way through advocating for and supporting their child and entire family.
To register, click here.
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