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At this CLGS Lavender Lunch we will explore the recently-published book Cornerstones: Sacred Stories of LGBTQ+ Employees in Catholic Institutions. Published by our colleagues at New Ways Ministry, this book offers a new anthology of 12 stories of faith, sacrifice, joy, and pain by LGBTQ+ people who have been employed by Catholic parishes and schools.

Edited by Ish Ruiz and Mark Guevarra, two gay Catholic men who themselves have been church employees, this anthology’s stories are organized in three categories: LGBTQ+ people fired from Catholic schools, LGBTQ+ people fired from Catholic parishes, and LGBTQ+ people who continue their employment in Catholic institutions with support from their employers.

“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:22-23)

Come join this conversation with a few of the authors!

Our Speakers

Dr. Ish Ruíz

Ish Ruíz is Assistant Professor of Latinx and Queer Decolonial Theology at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California, and he holds a PhD in Theology and Ethics from the Graduate Theological Union. A native from Puerto Rico and a queer Catholic theologian, his research interests explore the intersection between queer theology, Latinx theology, ecclesiology, sexual ethics, liberation, human rights, and Catholic education.

He is the author of LGBTQ+ Educators in Catholic Schools: Synodality, Inclusivity, and Justice (Rowman and Littlefield), co-editor of Cornerstones: Sacred Stories of LGBTQ+ Employees in Catholic Institutions, and the author of numerous academic articles.




A CLGS Spring 2025 Lavender Lunch