Join CLGS in celebrating International Pronouns Day on 20 October 2021!

CLGS’ Statement of Endorsement for IPD:

“The Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion (CLGS) at Pacific School of Religion proudly endorses International Pronouns Day, which seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating others about personal pronouns a priority for our organization.  Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is important to each person’s sense of human dignity and we recognize that being referred to by a wrong pronoun particularly affects our transgender and gender-nonconforming siblings and friends.  Together let’s transform faith communities and society at large so that it is commonplace to celebrate people’s multiple and intersecting identities.  In addition, CLGS encourages all seminaries, religious communities, places of worship, schools, workplaces, and local organizations to honor and celebrate International Pronouns Day!”

Here are some ideas from The International Pronouns Day Project on how you can mark and celebrate International Pronouns Day:

  • Educate yourself, and practice on your own. Visit and deepen your learning. Be sure you know how to respect others’ pronouns. Practice using they/them and other pronoun sets in sentences on your own, so you can do better in real life scenarios. Learn how to recover from mistakes.
  • Follow IPD’s social media and use the #PronounsDay hashtag on October 21st to show your support. Share why this matters to you. Be prepared to educate others. (Just remember, you don’t have to engage the trolls! Focus on people who want to learn.)
  • Share your own pronouns in your display name, in your email signature, when you share your name in meetings, etc.
  • Get involved in local communities and organizations. Donate to a local trans organization, and prioritize support for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color organizations. Work to get the organizations you work with to support International Pronouns Day.