Click here to join this CLGS AAPI Roundtable Workshop via Zoom!

A “unique blend of martial arts, dance, and music,”  Lion Dancing is an Asian diasporic performance art popularly known for its bold integration of color, movement, and aesthetic performance.

In this online CLGS AAPI Roundtable Workshop, we will explore lion dancing’s embodiment of queer Asian aesthetics, ritual, and movement building and adopt this framework as a way of embracing the culture shifting possibilities of Queer Asian existence within our faith communities and current socio-spiritual landscape.


Maij Mai (they/he/sib/homie/fam), Coordinator of the CLGS Asian American/Pacific Islander Roundtable, is a BlackVietnameseBipolarTransNonbinaryQueer currently existing in – and with – beloved community in Baltimore, Maryland. Maij’s formal education and training consists of a Bachelors of Arts degree in Sociology and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies, as well as a Masters of Divinity degree from Wake Forest University.

A creative visionary, organizer, and liberation companion from the Southern United States, their soul work centers the bodies, voices, and lived experiences of oppressed peoples striving to transform their imaginations and worlds.