A Recording of this Lavender Lunch is available here!
What does Christian ministry look like in this time of pandemic? Join in a discussion with three Christian pastors who serve in parish ministries in cities hit hard by the COVID19 pandemic. In addition, these pastors will draw on their experiences as staff members of The Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion, working with our African American, Latinx, and Trans Roundtable Projects.
CLGS Executive Director Bernard Schlager will moderate a discussion with three CLGS staff members Rev. Jakob Hero-Shaw; Rev. Dr. Carla Roland Guzmán; and Rev. Dr. Roland Stringfellow. Panel discussion followed by Q&A with attendees.
- Rev. Jakob Hero-Shaw is Coordinator of the CLGS Transgender Roundtable and Senior Pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Tampa.
- Rev. Dr. Carla Roland Guzmán is Coordinator of the CLGS Latinx Roundtable and Pastor of the Church of St. Matthew & St. Timothy (Episcopal).
- Dr. Bernard Schlager is Executive Director of CLGS and Associate Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies at Pacific School of Religion.
- Rev. Dr. Roland Stringfellow is Coordinator of the CLGS African American Roundtable and Pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit.