This week the Religious Institute, “a multifaith organization dedicated to advocating for sexual, gender, and reproductive health, education, and justice in faith communities and society” announced that it would cease operations after 20 years of effective, far-reaching, and life-giving work.  To quote the recent statement issued by RI’s Board of Directors, “the work of the Religious Institute has always been one of culture shift and bringing a spiritual and moral grounding to the movement.”

While we deeply mourn the closure of the Institute, we at CLGS celebrate the depth, breadth, and wide-ranging reach of its work these past two decades.  Founded in 2001, one year after CLGS’ own founding, the Religious Institute has been a model organization in effecting deep and lasting social and religious change in US society.

We honor and thank former staff members of the Institute for their inspiring work over the years and we salute Rev. Debra Haffner and Larry Greenfield, the organization’s co-founders, for bringing RI to life!

Bernard Schlager, PhD | CLGS Executive Director