CLGS/PSR Students Meeting with Members of MCC Cuernavaca.

Five Pacific School of Religion (PSR) students joined CLGS Executive Director Bernie Schlager in July for CLGS’ 5th Annual “Communities of Liberation” course, an Immersive Learning Experience located in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Offered in coordination with PSR and CELAC Freire, a progressive Spanish-language school in Cuernavaca, this immersion experience included daily intensive language classes, conversations with local LGBTQ activists, religious leaders, and people of faith, as well as excursions to area art museums and archaeological sites.  In addition, students lived with host families who are both committed to – and involved with – progressive social change organizations in the Mexican state of Morelos.

We welcome applications for the next CLGS/PSR Cuernavaca Immersion Experience which will be held in January 2019!  For more information, please email Bernie Schlager at