CLGS mourns the tragic deaths and injuries that took place in an Orlando gay club last night; with at least 50 dead and 53 wounded, it is the deadliest shooting in the last ninety years in America. Each person who was shot is a beloved child of God, deserving safety and dignity that was denied to them. This incident underlines the urgency of our task to bring understanding and peace to all people, to respect the lives of the LGBTQ community and all lives. We rededicate ourselves to that task today.


Fe, Familia, Igualdad: The Latinx Roundtable lamenta la muerte insensata de tantas personas LGBTQIA+ y otr@s en el Club Pulse de Orlando, FL. Tenemos en oración y en un abrazo solidario a todas las personas heridas y afectadas por esta tragedia. Como personas de fe, Latinx, y Queer estamos orando por todo este pueblo. Estamos en solidaridad con ustedes, y con todas las personas LGBTQIA+ quienes viven con miedo; seremos vocífer@s/x en abogar por la dignidad de todo ser humano como criaturas de Dios; buscaremos siempre la justicia y la paz. Que Dios consuele y este con cada persona afectada por esta desgracia.


Fe, Familia, Igualdad: The Latinx Roundtable mourns the senseless loss of members of the LGBTQIA+ and Straight Community at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, FL; we are holding in prayer all who were injured and all who are affected by this heartbreaking tragedy. As Latinx, Queer, and persons of faith we are praying for all; we are standing in solidarity with you and all LGBTQIA+ persons who live in fear; we will continue to speak up for the dignity of every person as children of God; and we will always seek justice and peace. May God be with and comfort every person affected by this tragedy.

From CLGS’s Jewish Roundtable:

Today, the second day of Shavuot, there are fifty more people for whom we recite Yizkor. We do not yet know their names, only that on Saturday night they were at a club, happily celebrating, and now they are dead. El Malei Rachamim, God of Compassion, please grant that those who died on Erev Shavuot 5776 – never intending to be among your martyrs, only wanting to joyfully dance away the night in Pride – be joined to all the holy and pure ones who illuminate this benighted earth like the brilliance of the stars in the firmament. May they be counted among all the innocents who have danced and died, those who were gay or “wrongly” gendered, those who were school children or shopping at the mall or Israeli or French or Egyptian or Syrian or of any nationality. May You, Source of Mercy, shelter them beneath the wings of Shechinah, and bind their memories to the souls of the living. Please grant courage and comfort to the living, so that we continue to work tirelessly and selflessly for tikkun olam, the healing of the pain and fear and violence. May it be your will, Ribbono Shel Olam, Rabbi of the Universe, that one day, all of your children – the dead and the living – dance together in peace.

Prayer | Lament | Commitment

For those in the Bay Area, please join us on Monday, June 13, at 4 pm for a Vigil at the Chapel, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94709. For more information, please click here or contact Justin Tanis at or call us at (510) 849-8206.