We’ve been so many places this year as we continue to advocate for LGBTQ people throughout the Americas.  In the long tradition of CLGS, we’ve done this by offering messages of affirmation and innovative resources that hold the promise of spiritual and social transformation.

This year we have been honored to stand alongside African American pastors preaching a message of radical inclusion and protesting the terrible loss of black lives in our country. We have shared meals with LGBTQ leaders in Latin America, exchanging ideas and resources, andexpanding our work for tomorrow. We have gathered a group of transgender seminarians to offer support and mentoring, helping tackle the challenges that they face. We have spoken at conferences and in communities to evangelicals, queer activists, parents, scholars, and ordinary church folk to share our vision of a world where all are equal and valued in the eyes of God and of humanity Take a look at our online map of the places we have been this year.

As proud as we are of where we have been this year and over the last fifteen years of our existence, what matters most is where we are going. With  your support, CLGS will continue to head out day after day, week after week, to share the life-changing message of hope and true acceptance for LGBTQ people and our loved ones, coupled with the social change that we need to make this happen.

Please Consider Making an End of the Year Donation to Our Annual Fund today. 

Download CLGS 2015 End of Year Map