CLGS is a proud co-sponsor of the ONLINE Trans Jews are Here 2021 Convening (TJAH). Sponsored by Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, TJAH 2021 “will take place on Trans Day of Visibility – Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
In 2019, the first Trans Jews are Here convening brought together trans and non-binary Jewish individuals, including some of [Congregation Beit Simchat Torah’s] very own spiritual leaders, artists, educators, performers, and more, to celebrate and explore the intersection of transgender identity and Jewish life. This year, we are thrilled to host the second Trans Jews are Here Convening.
The 2021 convening will be fully online, with a full day of trans, Jewish – focused programming ranging from ritual to art to education and more. There will also be an allyship track for cisgender friends, family, and community members to participate and learn.”