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A CLGS Queering the 2024 Vote* Workshop Series

If you abandon the present moment, you cannot live the moments of your daily life deeply.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Sacred Response is an intentionally-curated space that will incorporate different rituals, meditations, and reflection exercises that will invite participants to be more present to what’s coming up within themselves and their communities during this election season.

  • How can we encourage our communities to live into the fullness of their political autonomy and agency on an individual and collective level?
  • What does sacred self-governance look like in the midst of oppressive political climates and landscapes?
  • How can we deepen our capacity to care for and respond to our community’s needs in the midst of this election season on a national and global level?

Come join us!

This space will be facilitated by the AAPIRT’s coordinator, Maij Vu Mai. Maij (they/he/we) is a BlackVietTransQueerMad MaGe who is devoted to creating radical healing spaces where marginalized folks can tap into their own alchemical power and knowledge ecosystems. A creative visionary, organizer, and liberation companion from the South, their soul work centers the bodies, voices, and lived experiences of oppressed peoples striving to transform their imaginations and worlds.


*The CLGS Queering the 2024 Vote Workshop Series

During the current 2024 US election season, how might we, as LGBTQ people, communities, and LGBTQ-allies, be voices – and votes – of positive change for a nation in such desperate need of justice, hope, love, and compassion?


Come join us for one (or more!) of these CLGS workshops and add your voice to the conversation!